In a sense, this book had its beginnings in the early 1950's, when the senior author commenced a development program which culminated in the successful operation of the Ohio coal pipeline. As practicing engineers, our prime concern is with the design of reliable slurry transportation systems, and our intention was to communicate to people seriously interested-in this field how the design of such systems might be intelligently approached.
PREFACE It was not the authors'purpose in writing this book to create a novel or origins I contribution to the literature. n)' (om' ''idKlutll,: w,iucnpcrriliuion of the publidlf'. Lnlcrpalion,1J Standard BC'IOIc NumbC'r ISBN O♸78~9♰ 16♷ ( Swiu:C'llandĬopyri,hl 0 '''71 by Tran~ Tech Puhfic a.ions Claus. Wohlbicr: SfackinsBlcndin& R«bimi'J of Bulle Mne,i.l, 1977
The Bucke' \'('hccl ElCC'a''~fo, Development Uc-nd,ilc Coli u: Weichinc and rropoctiohintt of Bulk Solids 1975 Other Ixtoksin tM Series cia flulk M:ltcri:ds tJandfing' Vol. Solid - Liquid Flow Slurry Pipeline Transportation